If you don’t know where to find you save look in a folder in your lion file called games mark as 0, 1, 2, 3 ect.
All hexes start from the first character of any of the lion’s name.
The wolf hexes don’t work for lion.
You can change the name of your lions but don’t make them too long.
1. hunger 7 and thirst 6 – Ex F 00 - E 63 ;can't make it fully empty.
2. endurance 3 – Ex F 0B - E 00
3. kill rating 17-24
4. kills 28-35
5. hidden kills 36-38 =hyena=cattle=people=
6. do not change this your save will disappear
7. your score
8. what the game calls your save
9. what you call your save
10. gender 12 - M 00 – F 01 ;will only work with one lion in the pride and off of auto.
11. Time of day
12.days you spent in game
This is what I found so far
p.s you can drop the hunger and thirst of the hyenas