Why dont you look round the sight first? It offers more help. But to your questions (This is just simple help.):
Hunting: You hunt by pressing 'n' and the scent's will come up with pictures of animals, hunters etc. Find some prey, and well, hunt! Only if its a hare or beaver though, (If your on your own in the hunt) otherwise you need other pack members to help you hunt. This means prey like: deer, elk, caribou etc.
Fighting: Just click on the wolf you wish to fight with, (It has to be the same gender as you) and there will be something saying: 'Do you want to challenge?' click 'yes' and there will be a fight scene. At the bottom left hand corner there will be a picture of a wolf. (Thats your wolf.) Near the end of its tail will be 3 boxes:
Red - Fight the wolf
Blue - Submissive actions. (Playing with the wolf. This can help for you to be friends, if they accept. But thats usually when your the Alpha or higher rank than them.)
Yellow - Run away from them, this means thee other wolf has won the fight. (Unless you just run away right at the beginning from the fight.)
This is just simple, so I hoped I helped! Sometimes its better to teach yourself, I did. So good luck!